Sublime tarab!

Focus: Sublime Tarab
Video Submissions: 6 Video Submissions Total
Number of Feedback: 6 Detailed Written Feedback Critiques
Duration: 3 Months to Submit 6 Videos
Cost: $200

A-List Series Feedback Upgrade is ONLY for the most recently released series. If you’d like the A-List experience for other available Amanda Rose Online series, please join the A-List Quarterly or A-List Annual plans to enjoy feedback and all available AROnline series.

How does it work?

- A personalized video feedback experience to heighten your dance journey. 

- Dancers can submit up to 6 videos based on the series content. Dancers are asked to record themselves following along to the Combo Drill (Week/Class 1, 3, 5) or performing the Combo W/ Music video (Week/Class 2, 4, 6). 

- ⁠Dancers can then expect to receive detailed written feedback from Amanda Rose within 3-5 business days. 

- ⁠Dancers have 3 months from A-List sign up date to submit all 6 videos. 

- ⁠All videos must be submitted by google drive share, YouTube unlisted, or WeTransfer to Videos not submitted through these channels will not be accepted. 

- ⁠When signing up make sure to express what your goals are for the series so your feedback can be focus to support you appropriately.

- When submitted videos, dancers are allowed to ask questions, point out moments they want help with, or make specific requests by writing an email that accompanies the video

-You will be able to receive feedback from the most recently released series: Sublime Tarab


All video submissions should be sent here: