Artist, Dancer, coach
& DANCE movement therapist
Amanda Rose is an internationally acclaimed instructor and performer based in Barcelona, Spain with a passion for helping students feel connected to their bodies, and explore Middle Eastern dance styles. While she holds regular classes in Barcelona, she also travels internationally, inspiring dancers worldwide with her dynamic teaching style and captivating performances. Known for her technical precision, emotionally captivating performances, and insightful instruction, Amanda Rose’s approach to dance, art and pedagogy is greatly shaped by a background in sociology, 2 decades of experience with Middle Eastern dance, and a master’s degree in Dance Movement Therapy from La Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She has received wide recognition for her online platform Amanda Rose Online, where she has been offering high-quality online instruction for over 10 years. Instruction includes online pre-recorded and live classes, coaching for competitions, and creative and artistic development, intensive long-distance training projects, personalized feedback, and exploratory movement. Amanda Rose also works as a Dance Movement Therapist, facilitating groups and individual sessions online and in-person.
Amanda Rose's journey into the dance world began unexpectedly, initially focusing on athletics before finding her passion in Raqs Sharqi. Drawn
to the technical challenge it offered, she immersed herself in mastering
its techniques and exploring its artistic depths. Participating in international competitions further honed her skills and pushed her
artistic boundaries. Along the way, she delved deeper into Middle Eastern culture, studying with master instructors and embracing the cultural expressions inherent in Raqs Sharqi and folkloric dances. This transformative period solidified her commitment to honoring cultural context and knowledge in her dance practice.
In addition to over 2 decades of experience with Middle Eastern dance, Amanda Rose has delved into the world of creative and exploratory movement. She holds a master’s in Dance Movement Therapy which has,
in turn, pivoted her focus on art and dance to include mind-body wellness, personal development, and self-growth and evolution through movement. These are integral parts of her coaching program where dancers
develop artistically and personally.
Currently Amanda Rose works largely online through her Amanda Rose Online platform, while also traveling internationally for workshops, and teaching intermittently in Barcelona. She offers a wide array of classes and instructional opportunities, focusing on dance education, expression, and connection, highlighting artistic development, creative process, and exploratory movement which have become major aspects of her work through her coaching programs and Dance Movement Therapy sessions.