
artistic development Programs

BellyLab offers an opportunity for advanced to professional level dancers to work closely with Amanda Rose in tandem with other dances from around the world through a long-distance training project that will bring to fruition live group performances.

BellyLAB utilizes online classes (live and pre-recorded), video submissions with personal feedback, one-on-one coaching, and in-person rehearsals to realize a group choreography performance. Each BellyLab project has a specific style or concept as a focus for the casted participants. BellyLab participants will under go a 3-month training and development program to learn a dynamic, fresh and passionate choreography, through a series of classes styled in the same format as Amanda Rose Online series.

BellyLab is much more than a performance opportunity, it’s a training program that allows dancers to work directly with Amanda Rose over 3 months as they challenge themselves with professional level material. There will be a heavy focus on technical execution appropriate for the style of dance, expression, stage presence, and group collaboration. Much of the work and training will happen long-distance online, but the two days spent in group rehearsal will present the additional challenge of adaptation, collaboration, retention, and group unity in order to present the final work in the Gala Show.

BellyLab Raqs & Rose 2024

Topic: Egyptian Shaabi
Focuses: Shaabi Style, Baladi & Shaabi Technique, Charisma & Personality, Gestures & Lyrics
Level: Advanced, Semi-Professional, Professional
Format: 3 Month Training Program, Pre-Recorded Classes, Live Classes, Private Lessons, Personal Feedback
Personal Feedback: Yes
Online Training Starts: Sept 16th
Live Online Training: Oct 13th, Nov 16th & Dec 1st. *Time TBD
In-Person Rehearsals: December 5th Afternoon & 6th All Day
Performance: December 7th
Cast & Trainees: Space is very limited; a maximum of 9 dancers will be selected for this Cast, and 2 trainee positions
Cost: $350
Location: Glendale, California (LA area)
Event: Raqs & Rose - Cairo Shimmy Quake Winter Intensive




The audition process for is as follows:

  • SUBMIT PAYMENT - Submit Registration Payment of $20. No refunds of any kind!

  • AUDITION FORM - Fill out the Audition Form filling in the appropriate sections with youtube links, payment screenshot and necessary information, any forms that are not fully filled out including payment, videos, and links will not be accepted.

  • WATCH & STUDY COMBINATION VIDEO - Once you have submitted both the Audition Form & Payment you will receive access to an Amanda Rose Online video link. You have 7 days from the day you fill out the form and send your application to submit your video.

  • SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO - Then submit a video of yourself performing the combination to (using wetransfer, google drive or youtube unlisted). Hair, Makeup and Costume are not necessary for the video, but decent lighting, and your entire body should be visible throughout the video. You will be rated on your ability to learn material from video, your technical execution, general posture, as well as energy, facial expressions, and enthusiasm.

  • CAST ANNOUNCEMENT - The announcement for the cast of BellyLab will be on September 3rd. All dancers who audition will receive written feedback after the cast is announced for their video submissions even if not selected for this BellyLab project. If any dancer is unable to participate or does not want to continue, other dancers will be selected.


In order to participate you must meet the following criteria:

  • Cast Dance Level: Advanced, Semi Pro, Pro

  • Trainee Dance Level: High Intermediate, Advanced, Semi Pro

  • Register for a minimum of 2 Workshops at hosted event.

  • Be available for all in-person rehearsals in Glendale, California Thursday December 5th in the afternoon and Friday December 6th all day.

  • Purchase Required Costuming (Cost will be between $100-$200) (Trainee N/A)

  • Follow BellyLab Training Schedule (This schedule will indicate dates by which sections of the choreography must be learned, videos must be submitted and private coaching sessions must also be completed.)

  • Payment for BellyLab must be completed prior to start date. (Payment Plan Available)

  • In order to participate in BellyLab you must meet ALL requirements listed above and any requirement not met will cause the participant to be dropped from the project with no refund issued.

  • Trainees receive the same experience as Cast members, but are not excepted to purchase costuming and do not perform in final show. Each Trainee will be an understudy for a specific Cast member during training and rehearsals, and will assist with tasks such as observing and identifying issues with choreography, blocking, and a support team member.

previous Bellylab projects!

BellyLab has produced several successful and inspiring projects, including BellyLab Hot Raqs in Fresno, California. and Phoenix Rising in Phoenix, Arizona. For these projects, dancers trained long-distance for 3 months and then rehearsed in person for 2 days before presenting the final choreography live at their respective events. Under the direction and choreography of Amanda Rose, cast and trainee members included: Adrianne, Alex, Angelina, Gameela, Lenora Noire, Marina Viola, Melissa Dalilah, Rachel, Sarah, Zoriy. Trainee Dancers: Alia Gamal, Linah, Jessica.


Raqs & Rose Intensive - Winter Cairo Shimmy Quake

Saturday Night Show

This spectacular Saturday Night Show will include performances from Amanda Rose, Vanessa Raqs, & more special guest performers on Saturday December 7th / doors open at 7:30 PM. Find more information about Raqs & Rose here!


If you have any questions, you can contact Amanda Rose directly here!